I've heard through the grape vine that this blog has more readers than I thought. And that people actually like what they see and keep coming back for second helpings. I'm flattered. In March '09 when I created this blog, the idea of having "followers" creeped me out, so I took that little feature off. Who would've guessed 2 years later that I would regret not letting people subscribe to my life? So guess what? That beauty is back on. Now, I'm not trying to be presumptuous by any means, but I know we're raking in more than 20 readers folks. They say go big or go home, and I'm going big here, putting my precious pride and vulnerability on the line and saying let's take that little cyberspace friendship we have going on to next level, whatda ya say? Shall we? Spread the love and follow.
Meh, still don't see why you should? What, my adorable baby isn't reason enough?
Fine, I'll toss in a
How bout that? I've been honing in on my baby designer skills. Dressing a babe is so much fun, but sometimes I can't find what I'm looking for out there on the market. I know there are thousands of other moms who love sequinced jeans, winnie the pooh stitched jackets and pajamas that say "daddy's little girl," but I don't fall in to that category. So I made some things for Ev and I liked how they turned out... so much so that I've contemplated Etsy.
Etsy has always intimidated me. The creativity of people on there is out of this world, and I'm afraid my skills aren't all that original. I can't muster up the courage to do it. I thought i'd take a chance on le blog first to entice some bait and then cast the line out into Etsy if the response is favorable. Here are some prototypes.
What do you think?
Would you buy this gear for your baby, neice, nephew, sister, mother, friend, grandmother, or dog?
How much would you pay for it?
{I can stencil on to any shirt size, doesn't have to be a onesie. And I have a gagillion more possible stencils}
So how bout it? To enter:
1) you must become a follower
2) leave a comment answering the questions above regarding price and feedback.
Wow, I've never done a giveaway before. All of the sudden I feel much more powerful.
For any of you who do have an etsy shop, do you have any words of advice? What have you had the most success selling? Or those who peruse etsy like me - what do you find yourself being drawn to?
Thanks in advance for a) following b) feedback 3) making me feel cool. You rock!