Benefits of Food Poisoning

Monday, September 14, 2009

What I experienced this weekend was revolting. Highly nauseating. Sleep deprivating.
As unwanted as the symptoms were, it heightened my awareness to use whatever means necessary to prevent pregnancy and morning sickness. Children, you will have to wait until I am fully ready to devote every morning to physical exhaustion before I will let you come into our family. Sorry kiddies.
I did, however, discover that Jared is a good caretaker. Although he did sleep soundly through my 6 hours of vomiting during the night, when he finally arose the following morning he did do the following:
- went to the corner liquor store and brought home club soda
- went to the library to check out the STAR WARS TRILOGY. I was craving some Han Solo but alas, the library was out. So he spent a total of an 1.5 hours searching 2 libraries for movies for me.
- watched 2 movies with me through the course of the day
- gave me a massage


  1. Kendra- not everyone has morning sickness THAT bad. Mine was almost non-existent. Promise.

  2. I was going to post the same thing miss Katie posted. I hardly had any morning sickness! Babies are awesome... You and Jared will have such cute kiddos! :)

  3. Thanks you two! I hope it's not that bad...
