I sat on a wire chair about 5 feet away from Evelyn as I watched her. She approached Warner, whose legs were dangling motionless, she said "ooooOOHH kay Warner, yous want to go hi-wore? okay, okay." She then ran behind the swing and you would have thought someone was tickling Warner's belly or something the way he started giggling. He did a rapid bounce and excited squirm the minute Evelyn placed her hand on the back of the swing, like some electric bolt of anticipation was running up his back. Warner loves swinging, but he loves it most when his big sister is pushing him. He gets such a rush, and I do too just watching all the energy going on between them. I sat there looking at them, Warner with his big grin, and Evelyn with her grin, too, both of them happy. A bit later they made their way over to the play car together. Evelyn has started calling Warner "handsome boy." Warner crawled over to the back of the car and stood up and began pushing it. "Dood dob (good job) hansome boy, dood dob!" Oh, shot to my heart! I wanted to freeze the two of them right there and just, I don't know, cry from joy? It really is the little things.
And here I break from the tenderness to share with you a triumph of other sorts. If you follow me on instagram, then you saw a couple weeks ago
my post about my parents having 2 ginormous hares that roam freely in our backyard. I had caught one of them, but the other had been rather illusive and dodging my attempts at "capture." So I was determined one evening to pet the darn thing, and after an enthralling "hunt" I could declare victory! The kids LLLLOOOOVVEE the bunnies. Like, love. Evelyn gets a good portion of her daily exercise chasing them around the yard all day, and Warner, well, that kid signs bunny the moment we walk downstairs in the morning.

And what evening isn't complete without a game of duck duck goose? Evelyn had never played before, so once she got the hang of it, she was a'chucklin'!