Week One.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Where's the slow down button? I can't believe it's already been 7 days since Warner was welcomed into the world. Part of me feels like he has always been here, but the other part is in shock that my body went through that experience just a week ago. I think the hardest part for me so far has been getting two kids in and out of the car. Not easy, folks. Especially when you lock yourself OUT of your car and have to wait 1hr 30 min for the tow company to show up to undo your predicament. I could totally elaborate on that whole sitch, but I'll just tell you it was a long afternoon that I wish never to repeat.

Anyway, the most glorious part of having two kids is having double the cheeks to kiss and bodies to cuddle. Evelyn has been phenomenal! Jared and I have grown to love her even more {if that is even possible!} as we've watched her assume the big sister role.

And you know, I can't tell you how many times I have thought "what a wonderful world" this past week. This life is truly amazing, and what makes it so amazing are the people in my life. My mom was a wonderful help. We are all so grateful she gave up her time to come be with us. It made this experience so much more enjoyable knowing that Ev was in the care of grandma. Mom, Ev misses you! To all of our friends who have reached out and offered meals, we are so very grateful! And to all of you for extending your friendly congrats in the last post - THANK YOU! I'm sorry I don't have the time at the moment to write each of you back individually, but thank you!

So cheers to week one! It can only get easier from here on out, right? haha..ha.. ay yay yay :)
Love my little fam!

He's here!

Friday, September 21, 2012

We did it! Another happy baby is here to add to our joy! Warner has been such a dream. We couldn't be happier with how well he is treating his momma and dada with feedings and loooong sleepy nights {let's hope it stays that way!}. My due date was Wed and on Monday night I started having contractions. Tuesday night at 4 am they were 3 min apart so we booked it to the hospital at 5 am and he was here by 8:44 am! So quick and smooth, much different than sister. And he was actually born ON his due date without having to be induced. What a timely guy ;)

Sister is still adjusting. Evelyn was under the watchful and loving care of my mom while we were in the hospital, which we are SO grateful for. However, we found that we missed her so much {and our bed!} that we asked to me discharged a day early so we could get started on this real life thing. Ev did fine with Warner in the hospital, but since coming home last night she's waved bye to him several times ;) This is going to be a HUGE adjustment for all of us. But we are so happy to have two lovely little ones to call our own. We're so happy to have you here, Warner!

what I'm falling for...

Monday, September 17, 2012

+ this photo. Here's what fall is looking like outside my window right now. I love it.

+ brach's candy pumpkins. It took me 3 days to eat a whole bag. That should be followed by gasps and a round of applause people, because usually I can down the thing in one day. Self-restraint, I'm getting better!

+ the light sweater weather. Oh, it just makes life that much easier to say good-bye to the humidity and pesky mosquitos.

+ little bitty diapers.

+ colored tights!

+ college football season. Well, slightly. I'm not the biggest follower of my alma mater, but when a game is on, I love the pride that surges through me. I love being reminded that there was a time when I cheered for something other than Evelyn's every move :)

+ colored jeans. I can't wait to get my waistline back and squeeze into a pair of those skinny bad boys.

+ my growing family.

Fall, you've stolen my heart! You'll also steal away my youthfulness as my birthday is approaching in the next couple of weeks and I turn 26. Closer to 30 than 20?!? You've GOT to be kidding me...

September Sponsors + Giveaway!

Friday, September 14, 2012

I am so happy to have these lovely women on board for the month of September! With this month being my "boy" month, I asked each of them to share a bit about the special man in their life. Enjoy!
My blog is my "me" time to get away from the stresses of motherhood and nursing school. I love to share the things that are making me smile, my favorite recipes, and the occasional DIY or toddler activity. The favorite man in my life would have to be my boyfriend. He's done everything and more for me over the past couple of years we've been together and I couldn't be more thankful to have him in my life!

blog .. facebook .. twitter .. pinterest

This blog is a little bit of everything.  me, my family, sweet pups and our life together.  I love to cook and craft.  But most importantly I love to take pictures! Im actually getting better at it too.  And speaking of pictures my favorite person in the world to take pictures of is my sweet little Ardo.  He's my most favorite boy. We have that special bond, when he looks up at me and smiles, and he wants hugs from me, I know Im the most important girl in his life.  And thats a wonderful feeling. 

blog .. instagram

Hi friends! My name is Chelsea and I am the blogger and blog designer behind Yours Truly (and Yours Truly Designs). My blog is a collection of everything that interests me, from fashion and beauty to graphic design and everything in between. My most favorite boy is my cute Kiwi boyfriend- he is my favorite because he can cheer me up from my grouchy moods in a second, he knows exactly what makes me tick and loves me unconditionally.

As an added bonus, Chelsea is offering a GIVEAWAY of 
one small ad space.
Here's how to enter:

1. Follow Yours Truly via GFC/RSS and leave a comment
2. Follow Yours Truly on Bloglovin' and leave a comment

Giveaway ends Friday, September 21st.

Good luck!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I woke up this morning with an extra pep in my step.
Like I knew it was going to be a good day.
Evelyn and I played outside this morning on our little balcony in our pj's, all the while the fall breeze was chilling our noses and fluffing her hair.
I then went off to my doc appt to find out even better news that I am progressing more than I thought I was and that we could have a son here in less than a week.
Then Evelyn and I had a mommy daughter date out for tostadas and ice cream.

Everything just seems simple today.
Simple I can live with.
I'm happy :)


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"French parents don't worry that they're going to damage their kids by frustrating them. To the contrary, they think their kids will be damaged if they can't cope with frustration. They also treat coping with frustration as a core life skill... It forces them to understand that there are other people in the world, with needs as powerful as their own." -Pamela Druckerman

We're learning about the meaning of the word "wait!" over here and the importance of delayed gratification. Sometimes being a mom seems so complex when you realize you are responsible for this little person's habits that form them into a big person. Evelyn's outburts have become more dramatic lately, so we've been working tirelessly on roping that back in. It's been a challenge, but luckily she's a gem 80% of the time:) Luckily I've found a friend in the pages of this book. It's nice when you have someone who can relate to you, even if it's just words on a page. And who knows if the French really parent like she says, but it sounds pretty darn perfect that I hope someone is enjoying peaceful fruits of their mothering labors :)

It takes patience on both of our parts, but Evelyn and I will be come out on top. I just know it. She really is a good girl.

a how-to by Evelyn

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This girl lights up my world. She's been in to pillow forting for the past couple of days and I love it! I can't believe the power of the imagination starts at such a young age. I'm trying to soak up every minute I have with just Evelyn. Any moment could be the last of our dynamic duo {which transforming into a  trio won't be a bad exchange at all!} so I'm savoring her every move.